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Faith, Religion, and Spirituality: Help or Hindrance in Recovery

For many, recovery from addiction and substance use disorders is seen as a spiritual process.  Those engaged in twelve-step recovery often speak of working "a spiritual program of recovery" as well.  Statistically, however, engagement in religious practices is on the decline nationally.  This begs the question of whether religion and spirituality can be equated and whether either has a place in clinical work.  Are either or both supportive to recovery, or does one or both actually hinder people in their recovery?  In terms of research, is spirituality or religious practice typically studied.  Clinically, how can we explore the spirituality of those we serve without fostering shame, soliciting reactionary responses, or evangelizing?  This session is a respectful look at many of the facts related to religiosity, substance use, and recovery.  It also provides practical suggestions and tools for addressing spirituality clinically when appropriate.

1.5 CE Hours

James Campbell, LPC, MAC, LAC, CAC II

James Campbell has been working professionally in the human services field for over twenty-five years. His passion is helping individuals, families, and relationships to heal through leveraging their strengths and supporting other helping professionals as they cultivate their skills and expertise to assist others more effectively. James is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Addiction Counselor, Master Addictions Counselor, and a Certified Addictions Counselor II. He is also a member of both NAADAC and ACA.


James is the immediate past President of Addiction Professionals of South Carolina (aka SCAADAC) and has worked in a wide range of clinical settings over the years. Currently he serves as the Training and Technical Assistance Manager for the Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center located at the National Center for Primary Care at Morehouse School of Medicine and works privately as a nationally recognized author, consultant, professor, minister, and speaker.

Annual Inter-Faith Institute On Recovery

©2022 by Annual Inter-Faith Institute On Recovery.

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